Monday, February 12, 2007

What is an RSS?

Go to this site to get a video tutorial on RSS. Thanks Shawn Wheeler.

Benchmark: E-learning Practice and Research

"This [other] weblog is part of a research effort aimed at tracking current information regarding the 'state of the art' of e-learning. Fundamentally: this weblog deals with research and information in the areas of online/e-learning and is intended for educational and non-commercial use and purposes only."

Monday, February 5, 2007

Video Modality is more compelling

YouTube video could be a powerful Web 2.0 teaching tool. "EdTech from just a little north of the Valley" shows us the way here.

Friday, February 2, 2007

Social Software: Definition

Wikipedia* defines Social software as one that "enables people to rendezvous, connect or collaborate through computer-mediated communication. " I understand that definition is partly attributed to Clay Shirky. More here.

* which itself is a piece of social sofware

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Intro to Web 2.0 in 80 minutes

This looks rather intuitive. Please give me your thoughts.

You may wonder if I stole this. No I did not because of the concept of Creative Commons which, subject to certain conditions, allows me to use that particular material.

Tuesday, January 30, 2007


As in everything new, introductions are the norm. As promised, this is designed to be a collaborative learning journey involving teachers as learners. This is supposed to cover Social Software/ Web 2.0 concepts. Which means learning is expected to happen reciprocally. So I call this a we-learning platform infused more by the social character than by the technical. It is hoped that participants would be actively involved in learning by discovery, disclosure, engagement (or connection, if you will) and co-creation. And as in everything new, expect to learn from trial and error.